Hvis du er glad i OBOS-ligaen og eier en Twitter-profil er det trolig større sannsynlighet for at Camilla Herrem IKKE synger Tore Tang på seiersbanketten til håndballjentene enn at du har unngått å se navnet hans dukke opp i Twitter-feeden.
Når andre rigger seg opp til Premier-League Lørdag, rusler denne mannen ned i kjelleren for å se Hødd-Levanger i opptak.
Det siste året har han fulgt OBOS-ligaen tettere enn nyopprykkede Elverum fremsto i årets vårsesong. Og nå som Pontus Engblom har dratt hjem til Sverige, kan vi frem til 2017-sesongen er i gang igjen, trygt kalle han ”Kongen av OBOS-ligaen”.
Vi er utrolig glad for å kunne presentere Ben Wells som Fotballkanalens nyeste skribent.
Wells vil være ansvarlig for å gi våre lesere de siste nyhetene fra OBOS-ligaen, og vil med både stødig og skarp penn følge hvert eneste spark på ballen i ”kokkos-ligaen” gjennom hele neste sesong.
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Analytiker, Skribent
: Engelsk
24 år
Vi har tatt en prat med engelskmannen, som ”kommer på lån” til Fotballkanalen fra sin nåværende arbeidsgiver. Til daglig jobber Wells som analytiker for det engelske statistikk- og analyseselskapet Fotball Radar. Der har han hovedansvaret for å analysere norsk 1.divisjon, og nå gleder han seg til å bytte ut tall og statistikk med penn og bokstaver.
Ben, Welcome to Fotballkanalen. A lot of people already know you from Twitter, what can we expect from you now that you are allowed to use more than 140 signs/characters?
– Thank you! Hopefully I will be able to put across my thoughts on the OBOS Ligaen in greater detail, Twitter is great, but there is always a limit as to how much you can write. I love writing and have a degree in Journalism so writing for Fotballkanalen should be a great experience and I hope I can put more views and opinions out there for others to dissect.
Mostly you spend time at the office, with a computer, watching the games and running analysis. Do you ever get to watch some OBOS-ligaen action live at the stadium?
– Unfortunately I have only been to the one game live, the Kongsvinger vs. Rosenborg cup final last month. Because of the nature of my work, my weekends are usually spent in the office watching live games from my computer so I have not had much time to get over to Norway to watch more matches. I do visit La Manga every year though, which is a great experience as I get to see how the teams train and act close up. I am hoping to visit Norway a bit more in the coming year, but i will have to see what my manager thinks.
What is your greatest OBOS-liga highlight/moment from the 2016-season?
– 2016 was a strange season for a few reasons, with loads of teams underachieving and many overachieving. I have so many highlights, Orjan Hopen’s last minute thunderbolt to tie Levanger’s game with Mjondalen 2-2, Dao Bamba winning the title for Kristiansund with the last kick of the ball and seeing Robert Stene score 4 for Ranheim against his old Fredrikstad side. The main highlight for me has to be Kongsvinger beating Stromsgodset to make the Cup Final, though. I was in the office late mid week to watch the game, and to witness the scenes of jubilation from the KIL players, staff and fans at full time
And of course, what everyone is really wondering about. Do you personally have a favourite OBOS-liga team?
– Haha! I try to remain as neutral as possible, but of course there are always teams that catch my eye a bit more if they play exciting or interesting football. Last year I was accused of being a FK Jerv fan, and this year a KIL one, so i guess i could be seen as a bit of a glory hunter but in all honesty they have been the best teams to watch from my perspective over the last 2 seasons. I really liked seeing how Strommen evolved into a good side this season too, and of course how could I not have been impressed by Levanger in the first half of the season. But no, to answer the question there is not one single team i favour in the league but I will always have a few favourites!
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